This Hallelujah challenge by Nathaniel Bassey is really generating controversies from the social media. While so many people are keying into what they call the move of God, others are castigating the idea calling it a waste of time.

You want to know my opinion on this? I think this Hallelujah challenge should stop. How can we be hoodwinked by one skinny man holding to a rickety trumpet and makeshift tambourine, claiming to be leading thousands of people all around the world on a worship experience that does not make any 'scientific' sense or  'human logic'. A 'movement' spearheaded by one skinny man shoving up and down the internet in what he calls an 'olowogbogboro experience'.  Just how he has managed to keep millions of followers glued to the internet for one hour, I do not know! This thing has to stop!

Isn't it 'absurd and insane' to see family members divided by years of domestic business gather together in unity to watch this skinny man with the rickety trumpet and a makeshift tambourine? Broken homes are finding a common bond through a hallelujah challenge. For the first time, the home is filled with exuberant praise  and joyous celebration. Can you imagine? Daddy and mummy are lifting up holy hands in praise... When we should be thinking of putting a miserable black man on the moon?

Please stop the hallelujah Nonsense. We prefer the Big Brother Nigeria where young people are taught on the usefulness of nothingness. We want the 'get rich quick doing nothing but flaunt your body' shows that keep us busy but empty in spirit. After all is said and done, a group of people smile to the bank with the money we paid to keep them in the 'house'. Bring on the 'money challenge' that turn our children into 'money grabbers' and treasure looters. We don't care!

Somebody should tell that skinny man to stop this thing! This  hallelujah challenge is purely a waste of time! See our young people glued to their cell phones to share in the experience of worship. A whole one hour sees a lot of lewd sites empty. Internet traffic  is high in the hallelujah challenge. For the first time, young people are thirsty for an hour of communication with the divine.

This skinny man with a trumpet and a makeshift tambourine is just drawing our youths away from crime to the hallelujah square! For one hour, they stay soaked in the wonder of praise and worship rather than revel in obscene sites that pollutes their beings. Yet I wonder what happened that kept our young people glued to this man with the trumpet and makeshift tambourine. What do they see in this one hour thing that we are not seeing? Something more than our purported technological challenge. Anyway, it must stop. We don't care!

Away with the Hallelujah challenge that cools the nerves of the people. We need more men and women with nervous breakdowns  and high blood pressure to advance our quest for medical advancement. We don't want an hour of soul  reflection and heart therapy. After several hours of going up and down to satisfy the nation, the least we can have is an hour of sober reflection,high praise and sweet  melodies in our heart to our maker.

Quite frankly, we know that the issue of Nigeria's technological down turn is not true.  That skinny man with the trumpet and makeshift tambourine is not to blame.  The brain drain is to blame. The best of surgeons in the West are Nigerians. The best computer gurus in America are from Nigeria. We know we should be focusing our aggression on Nigerians in the area of technology rather than transfer our aggression on this skinny man who is just creating a super niche for himself in the field that he is passionate on. But we need a man to venge our frustration on. And we have found him. This skinny man with the rickety  trumpet and a makeshift tambourine. He is challenging our docility in the sciences and technology. So, we must do everything to stop him. So, I join the team of other un-well meaning Nigerians to put a stop to the Hallelujah challenge before the whole of Nigeria catches the worship bug.

Meanwhile, as this is going on, I am getting set for the challenge this evening. Last night was great. I am sure tonight will be greater! If this Hallelujah challenge is what they call madness and a waste of time, then count me in! I like this holy madness from the skinny man with a rickety trumpet and a makeshift tambourine!

                                                               (Culled from Dr Albert Oikelome).


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